Sunday, June 25, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The Slytherin Common Room (Tiny Tim #2) Presents


Late Night with Tiny Tim

Follow me, Tiny Tim, as I introduce Ron the Procrastinator, who agreed to do the show with me today. Listen to my crazy monologue about the border control, J.K. Coming to the U.S., and much more.

Cho Chang will be my second guest, listen to her crazy rambling about Cedric Diggory who she still loves and listen to her hallucinate about me being Cedric.

Do you know your favorite characters secrets?, well we're giving them a chance to speak out on one of our bits called SEEECREEETS

Hope you enjoy,

Tiny Tim

Download: 5MB

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

PhoenixCast Episode 6: Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson!

PhoenixCast has a new myspace page join us at There is also a myspace group for phoenixcast at

Join Professor V and Professor Jeff in a discussion about one of the most intriguing subjects in the wizarding world, Defense Against the Dark Arts!! Hear some questions that our Hogwarts Students have asked. Hear the latest news in the muggle and wizarding worlds! Episode 6: DATDA Lessons
  • Intro: What is today's topic?
  • Quibbler Headliners: FIRE FIRE! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!
    • Top fictional characters, what rank is harry in?!!!!
    • Dan Radcliffe making guest appearance on "Extras"!
    • Filming of London landmarks for wizard chase in OotP!
    • Some of the HP actors to attend Queen's 80th birthday on June 25th!
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson: Student VoiceMails!
    • Morgan: Hello Professors this is morgan again. (inaudible) Who has been your favorite defense against the dark arts teacher so far? and why do you think Snape wanted the position so badly?
    • Jack: Hi Professor V and Professor Jeff. I'm sorry if my audio quality isn't very good but i'm sick right now. So.. but i have a question about defense against the dark arts. Who do you think the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be in book 7? because I think she (Jo) probably won't introduce any new characters. What old character do you think it would be. Thanks, Bye. Love the show
  • Student Emails
    • Shelley: Hi there I have thought this for awhile and I wonder if anyone else wondered about it as well. Why did "Prof Moody" aka Barty Crouch jr teach his class about the unforgivable curses. If they hadn't been taught how to resist the Imperius curse then Harry would not have gotten away. Does any one else think it was a little cruel to the spiders that were used? Are people able to use the Imperius curse on others for certain reasons like teaching I thought they were punishable curses. Shelley aka Hermione's Wish
    • Sparx: hello hello! This is Rafael aka Sparx, I apologize for not sending in questions for the last couple podcasts. So, DATDA, where to start? I guess, I'd like to ask you guys who your favorite DATDA professor has been thus far? Hermoine's a bright kid, if given the chance and when all of everything is over and done, do you think she'd be a good candidate to teach DATDA? One final question, will there ever be a spell that would be affective against My Humps by the black eye peas?
  • Prof Random talk moments
    • Ninja Turtles Rule!
    • Xbox vs. PS2 vs. GameCube: hp games and non hp games (why did the inferi pop out in the GOF game?
    • It is official Jeff and V will do an inheritance series Podcast called "The Gedwey Ignasia" Hear V have trouble pronouncing it in the Anciet Language
    • and V definitely needs a Remembrall! ("is that even how you spell it.. i dunno i forgot! YIKES!")
  • Conclusion:
    • Homework Assignment 7 (read below for details)
    • Thanx to you for listening!
    • New Myspace page under display name PhoenixCast
    • Tiny Tim's segments will be PhoenixCast mini's. His next segment is a tiny tim mini solo next week.
    • Be on the look out for "The Gedwey Ignasia" Podcast. Coming soon to a podcatcher near you!
    • End of show
    • BLOOPERS!!!
download(episode 5: 8MB)

Homework Assignment 7: A Trip to Hogsmeade: Get your Galleons and sickles ready for a real treat. Next Episode we are taking our students on a trip to hogsmeade! Get ready to experience the WizardPalooza A collection of wizard rock groups So send us in your questions which can be about anything Hogsmeade or anything in general. Questions are open and get ready to rock out with some wizard rock bands. Thankx guys!!! Email questions or comments to OR call 1 (206) 888-3173 or Skype us with our new Skypename: PhoenixPodcast!!!